RD7200 and RD8200 Precision Locators - 30th January 2025
Radiodetection’s flagship ranges locate cables and pipes quickly and accurately to help increase operators’ productivity and prevent damage to buried infrastructure. Our RD7200 and RD8200 training course teaches candidates to use the RD7200 and RD8200 Precision Cable Locators in a correct and safe manner. This will be achieved by both theory and practical sessions lasting a total of approximately 6 hours. Courses are for up to 6 delegates.
Part 1 Theory
Equipment Overview
- What is a precision locator?
- How does it work?
- Locator Overview
- Menu navigation
- Transmitter overview
Locator modes and limitations
- Power Mode
- Power harmonics
- Radio Mode
- Other passive modes
- Transmitter frequencies
- Current direction frequencies
Location Technique
- Holding locator correctly
- Locating services
- Pinpointing signals
- Peak and Null modes
- Current direction
- Service direction
- Service tracing
- Nulling out shallow services
- Active Sweeps
- Clamps and accessories
Depth Location
- Uses and limitations
Current Strength
- Uses and limitations
Sondes and Accessories
- Correct use and location
Also covered in the theory session
- The need for calibration.
- Types of underground services and their associated dangers
- HSG47 and a safe system of work.
- Plans and their sources and limitations
- Properties of differing frequencies
- Fault finding (if required)
- Nulling of parallel rails
- The batteries and associated problems
- Search patterns
- The use of sensitivity
Part 2 Practical
Delegates will have practical instruction on all of the activities listed below. Delegates will then have the opportunity to practice each of the activities under the supervision of the trainer and will be assessed on their ability to perform each task and their understanding of it.
- The correct use of the locator in Passive and Active modes.
- The correct method of using the Signal Generator in connected and induction modes.
- The correct use of the signal clamp and if appropriate signal injector.
- Selection of Antenna modes.
- The correct method for nulling out parallel rails.
- The correct method for nulling out of a shallow service.
- The correct method for carrying out an induced sweep.
- The correct use of depth estimation.
- Use of current strength.
Additionally, delegates will have the opportunity to undertake practical instruction in a selection of specialist applications.
- The correct use of a Sonde
- Fault finding
- Current direction
- Use of stethoscopes
Emphasis in the theory and practical sessions will be directed towards the specific applications required by the attendees, due to the wide range of applications it is not possible to cover all applications in depth.
Courses can also be carried out on site. For more information on our Training Courses, please contact the Training Department