eCert™ Calibration Credit
Verify and certify the calibration of the locator over the internet using the relevant Radiodetection’s support software for PC, without returning the unit to a service center.
RD7100 and RD8100 models: Part No: 10/ECERT-RD71/RD81
(Requires RD Manager)
RD7000+M and RD8000M Marker Locators: Part No: 10/ECERT-MARKERS
(Requires RD Manager)
PCMX Locator : Part No: 10/ECERT-PCMX
(Requires PCM Manager)
C.A.T4, eC.A.T4 and gC.A.T4 models: Part No: 10/ECERT-CAT4
(Requires C.A.T Manager)