6100 Series Network Analysis Tools
In today’s connected world, getting your customers online and keeping them online is your number one priority. The new 6100 TDRs from Radiodetection are the perfect network analysis tools to detect faults and for rapid service turn-up.
Featuring traditional copper measurements to assess loop quality and identify common faults, DSL tests to provide pass/fail indications of frequency performance, and also offering LAN and IP testing, the 6100 family offers nearly everything the tier-1 technician performing installation, copper qualification and service turn-up requires.
The 6100 family consists of 3 products. All of them evaluate the copper infrastructure, covering parameters such as voltage, resistance, capacitance and time domain reflectometry, to test basic twisted pair quality, identify and locate faults, and troubleshoot noise and signal issues.
The two 6100-Gfast products are designed to make DSL/IP turn-up easy and so additionally allow users to run multiple highly-automated, scripted and customisable tests covering a broad spectrum of ADSL2+, VDSL2, and G.fast standards.
Copper network analysis:
- Multimeter measurements
- Wideband attenuation
- Resistance isolation test (test voltage from 50 V up to 500 V)
- Test noise and PSD up to 35 MHz and impulse noise
- TDR (automatic, manual, xTalk, trace comparison and peak mode)
- Test crosstalk noise (NEXT)
- Bridge test (two- and four-wire RFL)
- K-test (single and repeated mode)
- Intelligent test determines and automatically locates the main physical problems
- FED support for fault location tools and dual-end test.
DSL features:
- Latest-generation Broadcom chipset
- ADSL ITU-T G.992.1/3, G.992.5 Annex A, B, J, L, M U-R2
- VDSL2 ITU-T G.993.2 Annex A, Y;
- Bands: 997, 998, US0
- VDSL2 vectoring, ITU-T G.993.5
- G.INP, ITU-T G.998.4
- ADSL/VDSL2 bonding ITU-T G.998.1,2
- VDSL2 ITU-T G.993.2 Annex Q profile 35b
- G.fast ITU-T G.9700/G.9701
- Speedtest™ by Ookla®
- 6100 - Family Brochure - V1 (3.2MB)
- 6100 Gfast - User Guide - V1 (1.6MB)
- 6100-Cu - User Guide - V1 (1.9MB)
- 6100 Gfast - Technical Specification - V1 (1MB)
- 6100-Cu - Technical Specification - V1 (841.6KB)
- 6100 Gfast - Operation Manual - V4 (14.5MB)
- 6100-Cu - Operation Manual - V4 (12.1MB)
- 6100 Series - Safety Instructions - V2 (2.1MB)